Tiny miracles
Miracles come in all different shapes and sizes. Are you open to seeing them? Image by Zwaddi on Unsplash.
Are you putting yourself in the way of miracles?
I borrow this phrase from a podcast I listened to recently (Glennon Doyle's We Can Do Hard Things podcast, an episode with Andrea Gibson and Megan Falley – recommended by a beautiful, adored friend of mine, you know who you are!). I borrow this phrase because it really, deeply struck a cord with me.
Miracles are real
Miracles do happen. When I Googled real-life miracles, I found a multitude of wonderful and stunning stories. So why do so many of us refuse to believe they can happen – and why don't we believe that miracles can happen for us?
Miracles and self-worth
From what I observe in the clients I've worked with, and the many people I've interviewed over the last year, most of us don't believe we're worthy of receiving miracles.
But why not? And why don't we believe in our capacity to create our own miracle?
Busy, busy, busy
There's something else going on, too. We're so busy looking for that huge, explosive miracle – winning the lottery, seeing angels, that level of miracle – that we miss the tiny miracles that happen every day. We're so focused on controlling what it looks like, how it happens and when it happens, that we miss the point entirely.
The miraculous reframe
What do miracles ask of us, then? Simply that we open to their potential. Simply that we loosen the tight grip we have on the what, the how and the when. Simply that we make space.
That means making space for ourselves, away from computers and TVs and people. It requires quiet time where we just be. When we do this, we slow down and we're able to see those tiny, daily miracles.
Tiny miracles
The tiny miracle lies in the synchronous moments: that moment where we're having a challenge and exactly the message we need shows up; whether that's via social media, through a friend, a book, a song. It's that moment when the clouds part and the Sun sends beams of light across the sky in a way that makes Heaven feel so very real. Or the wind settles down so much that the ocean looks like silvered glass.
These are the small, beautiful, profound daily miracles. When we start seeing them and honouring them – acknowledging and appreciating them – they start multiplying and amplifying.
This is how we begin to put ourselves in the path of miracles. And it's how we start signalling to ourselves and to the Universe that we are worthy of receiving a miracle – our miracle.
In these wild times, may you open to the tiny miracles happening all around us. Put your focus here. That doesn't mean denying all the pain and suffering. But it does mean allowing the beauty to be there, too.
Do you want to shift your perspective so you can receive miracles big and small? It would be a privilege to help you make the jump. Drop me a line if you’d like support, or book a transformational coaching or shamanic healing session here.