Becoming homo luminous

What does it mean to be human? 

This is the big question we need to ask ourselves right now. Because, at this key moment in the cosmos, we’re being invited to step into higher octaves, and to become the highest versions of ourselves. 

One of my earlier shamanic teachers, Alberto Villoldo, has a name for this higher version of humanity: he calls it homo luminous

Humanity, illuminated from within

Homo luminous, the luminous human, values truth and a collaborative and sustainable approach to life and this Earth. This is the way of the Feminine. It’s the way of flow.

To become homo luminous requires a quantum leap into our elevated future selves. It’s a mental shift: once embodied, it shifts our DNA completely.

Each of us has the capacity to make this leap in our lifetime. We all have the capacity to embody the best version of what it means to be human.

To me, becoming the best version of a human doesn't mean being pure or chaste, or denying our desires. It doesn't mean being perfect. I've spent a lifetime battling a rigid drive to be perfect, and I've learned through a multitude of experiences that this is not the way. 

Shoulds and perfectionism

The path of perfectionism only leads to more rigidity. It leads to misery, and to always falling short of who we think we ‘should’ be. This is the path of lack and scarcity.

My clients know my perspective on the word ‘should’. In short, it deserves no place in your life or your lexicon.

Embracing our humanity

Whereas embodying homo luminous mean accepting our feelings, our emotions and our imperfections. It means loving ourselves despite, or perhaps because of, our imperfections and the complex layers of emotion we can feel. It means embracing everything it is to be human, the desires, the mistakes, the emotional outbursts, and loving that.

Life without emotion and feeling would be a cold, dull life, after all. In fact, it's less than a life: at most, it's a half life spent in the grey of the twilight zone when you could be living in Technicolor. 

I know which one I'll choose, every time. 

What about you? Are you ready to step into the human you're becoming? Are you ready to live life in Technicolor?

3 takeaways from this post

  1. Homo luminous is the next-generation human: elevated, collaborative and partnering with our planet. This is the path of the Divine Feminine.

  2. Homo luminous embraces everything it means to be human: mistakes, grittiness, emotions and all.

  3. We all have the capacity to become homo luminous.

Ready to quantum leap into your luminous, elevated self? I’d love to help you embody homo luminous. Drop me a line if you’d like support, or book a transformational coaching or shamanic healing session here.


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