What’s happening

In-person and online workshops, ceremonies, classes and much more

Connect with yourself and with a community of curious seekers at my in-person and online events. Solo and with a carefully chosen crew of collaborators, I host everything from elemental rituals using high-frequency shamanic templates to meditation classes and coaching workshops. Read on to find out what’s on the menu.

  • Learn how to move beyond merely surviving and start thriving as a highly sensitive person and empath. Free class

    The Sensitive Soul's Guide to the Galaxy (and Earth)

    26TH SEPTEMBER 2024

    A free online class designed for anyone who struggles with overstimulation, people-pleasing and intense emotions. Discover why your sensitivity is a gift. Learn how to navigate the challenges of life as a highly sensitive person / highly empathic being, discover your superpowers and start thriving.

  • Elemental

    5TH OCTOBER 2024

    An immersive sensory experience in the great outdoors. Join Mae Kwan and me for a ceremonial journey through the 4 universal elements: earth, water, fire and air. Includes yoga, sound bath, fire ceremony, water blessing, meditation, journaling and more.

  • Cempadak Island retreat with Mae Kwan, Tamsin Bradshaw and David Jacobs

    The Island Wellness Retreat

    18TH-21ST OCTOBER 2024

    A unique opportunity to experience Cempadak Island while recharging and renewing yourself. In the mix on this 3-day retreat is ice bath, fire ceremony, guided meditations, movement, EFT tapping and much more good stuff.