Empowered ageing

Coaching insights on how to reframe the ageing process to empower you rather than victimise you.

“Ageing is terrible,” a beautician said to me recently.
There’s a lot wrong with what she said – and where she said it (as she was massaging my face, with me as the captive audience on a bed in her salon).
This narrative is outdated. It’s really a looooong way past its use-by date.

So let’s ditch it, shall we?

Because here’s the thing. You can choose to run with the very disempowering narrative that “Ageing is terrible and therefore to be avoided and denied at all costs.”

You can chase all the look-20-when-I’m-50 options, from serums and tonics to hormones and injectables, and if it makes you feel better and more ‘you’ in your skin, that’s totally OK. That’s your prerogative.

Those things aren’t ‘bad’ per se. What matters is the ‘come from’, as my mentor Angel Drake would say. What’s the reason behind your choice? Are you choosing because you’ve subscribed to the above-mentioned narrative that ageing is terrible? Or is there another reason?

There is an alternative narrative. In fact, there are many. Here’s the one I’m choosing, as I begin another year of life (having just turned 44).

I am choosing to see ageing as a vital, revitalising, extraordinary process that’s much like the caterpillar becoming the butterfly.
The process isn’t always pleasant, but it’s chockfull of treasures if we’ll only open our eyes to them. Plus the end result – a whole, illuminated human being who has lived a full, rich, loving life – is SO worth it.
So, I’m choosing to embrace this process, and to see my wrinkles and physical changes as evidence of a life well-lived. Evidence of the life experience I’ve had, and the wisdom I’ve gained along the way.

Perhaps you’ve never taken the time to reflect on your life and to see what you have achieved, what you’ve been through and what you bring to the table. Maybe it’s time you saw your value – and maybe it’s time you saw that with every passing year, your value only increases.

Each of us gets to choose how and who we be with the process of ageing. Regardless of your gender or whether you’re 34, 44, 64 or 94, you can choose how you engage with ageing.

Regardless of whether you do Botox or not, you can choose to see the wisdom, life experience and uplevelling that another year brings with it. THAT, to me, feels powerful.

3 takeaways from this post

  1. It’s time to put outdated narratives around ageing and how terrible it is in the trash.

  2. Subscribing to narratives of how terrible ageing is and how we need to avoid it and deny it keeps us stuck in victim mindset. It keeps us disempowered and drains us of our vitality.

  3. You get to choose how you engage with ageing. What would an empowered approach look like for you?

How would it feel to reflect on your life so far and to start seeing all the goodness you’ve achieved and created? It would be a privilege to help you find your own version of an empowered approach to your life, and to ageing. Drop me a line if you’d like support, or book a transformational coaching or shamanic healing session here.


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