Time scarcity

Do you feel like you never have enough time? Do you feel like you’re always rushing one thing to another, only to fall into an exhausted, dissatisfied heap at the end of the day, or at the end of the week? Does it feel like you’re chasing your tail all the time?

All of these feelings are connected with what’s known as time scarcity.

What is time scarcity?

Time scarcity is that feeling that you don’t have enough time to do the things you want and need to do.

Most of us have heard of scarcity mindset. Most of us connect it with money and abundance. We rarely talk about time scarcity.

And yet so many of us suffer from it. However it shows up for you, it’s likely contributing to stress, overwhelm and anxiety. You may be struggling with focus, and you may be suffering from decision paralysis (too many choices, not enough time to do everything!).

Of course, there are only a finite number of hours in the day, in the week, in the month, and in the years.

That part is out of your control. What is within your control, however, is your relationship with the time you have. What’s within your control is your mindset.

Responding to your circumstances

We can’t always control the circumstances that show up in our lives. We can’t control the feelings that come up in response to those circumstances.

What we can control is how we then engage with those circumstances, the decisions we make based on our circumstances, and how we be in the world.

So if you’re feeling like you don’t have enough time, or like time is running out, don’t make decisions from that place. You won’t make healthy decisions if you’re operating from a state of fear, or if you feel like you have to hurry.

When you feel rushed or overwhelmed, that’s the point at which to take a pause.

It might sound counterintuitive, but it’s key. We move slow now to ultimately move faster, and more efficiently. It’s the long game with infinitely more rewards down the track.

A simple practice for harnessing the pause

This practice is designed for moments of overwhelm and anxiety when we’re in rushing, racing, full-speed mode. It’s not designed for moments of real, physical danger (to yourself or your loved ones).

This moment of stillness can be quite short. It could last just 3 minutes. And you can use this time to start changing your mindset around your time. Here’s one simple practice.

  1. Close your eyes.

  2. Notice the feelings that are surfacing. They can be there, a bit like clouds in the sky. The sky is still the sky, whether it’s cloudy or sunny. Clouds move, too, and they eventually dissipate, just like feelings.

  3. You may want to give yourself a reassuring touch at this point. Stroke your own hand or arm, put a hand on your heart. A gesture of self-comfort.

  4. Register where you are, and the world around you. Are you safe, in this moment? Do you have everything you need in this moment? Do you have everything you need to get through the next hour, and the next day? Register that you’re not in imminent danger. Register that you have everything you need for right now. Register that no-one is going to die if you don’t send that client email right now, or get that Instagram post done right now. Right now, who you are and what you have is sufficient.

  5. Stay with that feeling of having enough and being enough for a few breaths.

  6. Notice any changes in how you feel, or how your body feels.

  7. Release. Now you’re ready to make decisions, and to get on with your day.

Where to from here?

If you enjoyed that exercise, or if a lot came up for you, you can enjoy more of the good stuff by joining me for Time Freedom, a FREE, online 90-minute experience happening on Thursday 18th April.

In this class, we’ll use coaching tools, shamanic ritual and more to help you shift your state from rushed to relaxed.

Learn more and sign up here.

Ready to dive deeper? Join me in exploring time and completely rewiring your neural pathways in Master Your Time, a 5-week, live, online journey starting Thursday 2nd May. Learn more here.


Tamsin xo

Are you perpetually busy? Do you struggle to be on time, or to manage your time? I support others just like you in making space in their lives, so they can feel calm, centred and creative, at work and in life. Drop me a line if you’d like transformational coaching support, or book a free, 30-minute call. Book your call here.


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