The deathbed test

Before I discovered the deathbed test, I lived a pretty ordinary life. I did mindless, mediocre work for mediocre publications and corporates. I had good friends and I had fun, but I was pretty darn dissatisfied.

The deathbed test was the turning point.

After I did the deathbed test, I got myself a coach, and I decided to study shamanic energy medicine.

And here we are, some five years later. I’m a transformation coach certified in life coaching, somatic coaching. I'm trained in specific methodologies that help my clients develop their emotional intelligence and become better leaders. I'm also a shamanic facilitator.

What is the deathbed test?

It’s a simple process of casting your net out into the future and connecting with your future self – the self that’s lying on his or her deathbed.

Imagine yourself there and then look back at your life. What does this version of you think of your life?

To help you make the most of this experience, I’ve created a series of questions you can ask yourself, either mentally as you imagine yourself on your deathbed, or you can journal on them.

Deathbed questions

  1. Looking back at your life, what are you proud of?

  2. What are you disappointed by?

  3. What are the memories you hold dear?

  4. Who are the people you hold dear?

  5. What’s the legacy you’ve left to the world?

  6. What feelings come up for you? (Remember: when you can tap into the feeling, you can manifest in this reality. Being able to connect with feeling is an essential aspect of the act of creation.)

  7. What would you say to your younger self? What wisdom would you impart to them?

Now come back to your younger self

Shake your hands, roll your ankles, clap your hands, take a couple of deep breaths… anything that brings you back to the present moment.

Ask yourself (and ideally write down the answers):

  1. What did you learn?

  2. What do you need to refine or change as a result of engaging with yourself on your deathbed?

  3. What action steps can you take?

Where to from here?

If you enjoyed that exercise, or if a lot came up for you, I’d love to help you harness what you learned in order to create a life that lights you up.

Here are a couple of ways you can do that:

  1. Make the most of the time you have by joining me for Master Your Time, a 5-week, live, online journey starting Thursday 2nd May. Learn more here.

  2. Book a free, 30-minute clarity call with me to explore everything from shamanic journeying sessions to transformational coaching. Fill out an expression of interest form here and then book your call.

To your life well-lived.


Tamsin xo


Time is money


Time scarcity