Time is money

“Remember, time is money,” said Benjamin Franklin back in 1748.

It’s a phrase we still toss around today.

What does it really mean, though?

It means that time is the ultimate currency. It’s what every media platform on the planet is competing for.  

The million-dollar question they’re contemplating? “How long can we keep your attention?”

Time and money

Time and money have an intricate relationship. But unlike money, you can’t make more time (although you can expand your experience of time – more on that later).

What you give your precious time, attention and energy to therefore really matters. Much more than you probably think.

So, my friend, where are you investing your time?

Are you investing it in people and activities that light you up?

Or are you giving away your time, your attention and your energy as if it’s worthless, to people and activities that really don’t deserve it?

Getting good returns

Every time you invest your time in something, there’s a return on your investment (ROI).

What’s the return on investment (ROI) on the people and activities you give your time to?

A good way to measure this is to look at how you feel when you leave someone’s company, or when you finish an activity, and what happens in the hours (and days) afterwards.

If you’re investing your time wisely, the ROI might be inspiration, great ideas, feeling energised, learning something new, or feeling like your cup is full. The ROI might be money.

But if you’re frittering your time away binge-watching Netflix, or number-crunching in a job you hate, the ROI might look like brain fog, feelings of dissatisfaction and ‘inexplicable’ fatigue.

Your time has immense value. YOU get to choose what you spend it on.

Just remember… there’s always a return.

Ready to optimise your returns (and expand your experience of time)?

Maximise your ROI on your time investments with the help of Master Your Time, a 5-week alchemical journey that combines coaching, potent shamanic processes and more to help you completely rewire your neural pathways around your time, so you can shift from frazzled to flow.

We start May 2nd, and it’s going to be cosmic. Learn more here.

To your life well-lived.


Tamsin xo


Wisdom for these times


The deathbed test