How a smile can elevate your mood

Today I was reminded of the simple, transformative power of a smile.

An ‘uncle’ came to repair our fridge and when he showed up, it was with a big smile on his face that stretched all the way to his eyes.

Here was a man whose energy was just… happy.

He was chatty, friendly, ready with a solution. He made everything seem fixable and easy.

He seemed to genuinely enjoy his job.

With his uncomplicated manner and the freedom of his smile, he brightened my day.

He took me out of the mental complications tangling in my head, simplifying it all with just a smile.

What a simple experience… and yet it was profound. 

I think I’ll remember that sweet man for a long time to come.

And I hope I’ll remember that all it takes to change a mood and uplift  – whether that’s yourself or someone else – is a smile.


Tamsin xx

Do you need help in finding your smile, or do you feel like you could do with some mood shifting? I’d love to uplift you. Drop me a line if you’d like support, or book a transformational coaching or shamanic healing session here.


Safety… and coming home to ourselves


How do you show up to the table?