Safety… and coming home to ourselves

Where is home, exactly? 

As a third culture kid who spent years shuttling between Sydney and Hong Kong, I’ve never felt like home was tied to a physical place.

Home, for me, is where I am. It’s a feeling of being grounded, present and safe in my body.

Consider how it feels when you don't feel safe: alarm bells are ringing, your whole nervous system feels fired up and rigid with tension. You probably feel as tightly strung as a piano wire. 

How can you possibly make good decisions from THAT place?

Compare that to how it feels when you feel safe. 

Is there a particular place where you feel safe? 

Is it your bed? Surrounded by nature? By the ocean? Does a piece of a music or a particular food make you feel safe?

Have you ever felt safe?

If you haven't ever felt safe... consider what safety means to you. What do you need in order to feel safe?

So much is possible when we feel safe. 

When we feel safe, our fight or flight response quietens down. 

We can think clearly, we can sense into what we really, truly want and need, and from there, we can make aligned decisions.

So, this new Moon, I invite you to take a moment to pause and remind yourself that in THIS moment, you are safe. 

Consider also what makes you feel safe, and spend time in that space every day – even if it's just a few minutes. 

From there, you'll feel at home. And from there, you can make choices that serve you.


Tamsin xx

3 takeaways from this post:

  1. Home doesn’t have to be a physical place. Home can be wherever you are – and wherever you feel safe.

  2. When we don’t feel safe, it’s much harder to make aligned decisions because we’re coming from this fight, flight or freeze mode. The world looks completely different when we feel safe, and our choices are totally different.

  3. Where is your safe place? Spend more time in the place or space that makes you feel safe – even if it’s just a few minutes every day.

Do you struggle to feel safe? I can help you create safe spaces, and I’d love to help you build a toolbox that will help you feel safe no matter where you are or what’s happening in your life. Drop me a line if you’d like support, or book a transformational coaching or shamanic healing session here.


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