How do you show up to the table?

How do you show up for the buffet of life? Image by Rachel Park on Unsplash

Are you the person who goes to a buffet and can’t decide what to eat?

Do you peruse the whole buffet before deciding on one thing – the same thing you ate yesterday, and the day before, and the day before that? Or do you pile your plate high because you want to taste all of it?

I’m that person who piles their plate high. I’m the person who over-orders in restaurants because they want to try everything, and they don’t want anyone else to miss out, either.

And it’s exactly how I approach life. When it comes to life, I want to taste a whole smorgasbord of experiences.

I live a full, rich life.

But this approach can be overwhelming too. How much can one person hold, after all? And what gets left unfinished, untouched... wasted?

With this outlook can come a lack of focus that makes it hard to follow through on any one thing… and in the end, that just leads to feeling dissatisfied, drained and disappointed.

I call this person the Over-Subscriber.

There are many other ways to show up to the table, and I'll highlight these in weeks to come. What I'll say for now, however, is that each type has its merits, and each has its shadows.

And what really matters is our awareness of how we come to the table. When we know what our default behaviours are, we can begin to make conscious choices about how we show up to the table – and to life.

For the Over-Subscriber, it can help to have a clear sense of your values, and to define what matters to you.

What matters becomes your anchors in life, helping you define your priorities so you focus on this and set aside the rest.

From here, there’s space. The mind chatter calms down. The whole nervous system calms down, and so do physical ailments.

Power doesn't come from trying to take it all on because you feel scared of missing out. True power comes from making conscious choices. And it all begins with awareness.

So how are you showing up to the table?


Tamsin xx

3 takeaways from this post:

  1. The way we approach food is the way we show up to the table of life.

  2. The Over-Subscriber is the person who wants to try everything and says ‘Yes’ to all of it. It can be enriching, and it can be exhausting. By clarifying our values, we can get clear on what’s for us… and what’s not.

  3. When we bring awareness to how we show up and begin to make conscious choices, everything changes: from our mood and our nervous system right through to our physical health.

Do you resonate with the traits of the Over-Subscriber? I can help you figure out what matters and what doesn’t. I can help you shape your life pillars so you always feel anchored and clear about what to take on and how to say no to what’s not for you. Drop me a line if you’d like support, or book a transformational coaching or shamanic healing session here.


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