Opening to possibility

When things aren’t going our way, it’s hard not to freak out and fall apart. It can be easy to slip into these narratives that there’s something wrong with us, to feel sorry for ourselves, and to believe that life just doesn’t go our way.

But these narratives are very disempowering. They keep us stuck in the comfort zone. You might be thinking: But it’s hardly comfortable to feel like life isn’t working out for me!

Yes. And.

And we as humans tend to find comfort of the known, even if the known isn’t a great place to be. We’re familiar with it, and it feels safer than stepping out into the big wide world and potentially failing (or potentially succeeding).

But if we stay in the known of “My life sucks, nothing ever works out for me, poor me”, we’ll only get increasingly bitter and resentful. We’ll eventually lose our vitality, along with our confidence (and a lot more).

The alternative? Open to possibility. Open to the potential for you and your life to be amazing. And then take baby steps one by one in the direction of our dreams.

To help you get there, here are some journaling prompts and an affirmation, all of which will be especially potent if used in this February full Moon in Virgo energy over the next few days. Enjoy!

Journaling prompts

Here are 5 journaling prompts designed to support you through the full Moon energies. For those who don't like to journal, you can simply contemplate these questions and see what percolates.

1. What in your life feels broken, irreparable? 

2. What are your own intentions and desires in relation to that seemingly broken thing? Get honest here (remember, no-one else has to read this). Do you want to repair it? Or is it time to let it go? 

3. Repair requires doing things differently. It requires that we take ownership of what's ours and be different. What might be a new way forward? How can you show up differently? 

4. Letting go also requires that we take responsibility for our part in our situation, rather than blaming everything on other people. Where are you holding on to resentment? It's easy to act like we're the victim – this is far more comfortable than admitting that we played a role in our situation. So what's yours to take responsibility for? And what's not?

5. Who is on your team in life? Who are your supporters? What support do you need from them? And who do you support? How can you support them?

Full moon affirmation

Here is one mantra that you can use to navigate the next 2 weeks with intention.

I AM willing to stay open to unexpected solutions. I AM willing to stay open to my own potential. 

Write it down somewhere, repeat it to yourself every day… and see what happens!

Sending you lots of lunar love,

Tamsin xo

Are you struggling to see what’s possible? Does the prospect of your potential feel huge and daunting? That’s what I’m here for. Together, we can start shaping your potential. We can start forming the small, consistent actions that will ultimately take you to your dreams. Drop me a line if you’d like transformational coaching support, or book a free, 30-minute call so you can start seeing what your potential looks like. Book your call here.


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