Elevate your brilliance

Instead of focusing on what you need to fix about yourself, or scrutinising your problem areas, I’m inviting you to bring your attention to your gifts.

After all, “Energy flows where attention goes,” as Tony Robbins says.

So, with that in mind, here are some journaling prompts and a mantra to help you hone in on your strengths, so you can raise them up. The rest of you will follow.

Journaling prompts

1. Take a moment to look back over the last month, or the last year. What are you proud of? What are some key milestones you want to celebrate?

2. How can you celebrate them? Is there a physical action you can take? (Is it opening a bottle of champagne, is it eating at your favourite restaurant, is it sharing with your best friend, taking yourself for a massage, dancing to a fun tune, or simply sitting on your favourite beach?)

3. What are your strengths? If you don't know what they are, ask yourself instead: what do you love doing? What takes you into that space of laser focus?

4. How can you play to your strengths in a work context or in your life?

5. Can you think of a time recently when you felt lit-up, energised and excited? When the creativity was flowing freely? What were you doing in the hours or days leading up to this?

6. Knowing what energises you, can you do more of it? How can you build it into your week, in order to generate more energy and more creativity?


Here is an affirmation that’s designed to support you in elevating your energy, and in elevating your confidence in yourself. Write it down, find an image that represents it, or play with it in any way that feels good to you (even if that means adapting the words so that they feel right for you).

I am ready and willing to celebrate my strengths and to share them with the world. By expressing my gifts, I honour myself, and I open the door for others to share their gifts, too. I am ready to step into my brilliance.

Sending you lots of lunar love on the eve of the Year of the Wood Dragon!

Tamsin xo

Are you still wondering what your gifts are? Are you struggling to ditch the self-scrutiny and tap into your gifts? Or would you like support in elevating your gifts so you can truly shine? I’d love to help. Drop me a line if you’d like transformational coaching support, or book a free, 30-minute call so you can start seeing what your potential looks like. Book your call here.


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