Passion matters. Here’s why

Passion is what fuels us.

I watch my clients when they get passionate about something (or someone!). They’re lit up from within, and inspired by life. They look younger, they feel younger, and, over time, their health improves. It's more sustainable than Botox ever will be!

Some people argue that you should never work in something you’re passionate about… but I believe they’ve misunderstood what passion is.

Take, for example, someone who works in finance. Let's call her Jane. Jane may believe she's chosen money over what she loves. 

But consider this: what if Jane simply don't realise what she's passionate about? With a small mindset tweak, Jane can completely flip her perspective and find a new reserve of energy for her work.

What if she actually loves building wealth? It doesn't matter what job she does, provided she's making money, and bucketloads of it, so she can create lasting, generational wealth. This is what she's passionate about.

It's OK if, like Jane, wealth is what motivates you. It's more than OK, in fact.

It's also OK if you're motivated by something else (standing out from the crowd and doing things differently, for example).

When you find out what it is, you'll discover deep wells of energy you never knew you had. And it will make you magnetic, drawing opportunities to you.

So what are you passionate about? What lights you up? How can you do more of it? 

3 takeaways from this post:

1.    Sometimes our passions surprise us. You might be passionate about making money, for example, and you just haven’t been willing to admit it to yourself.

2. When we fuel our passion, it will fuel us: we’ll look younger, feel younger, and have WAY more energy.

3. Plus it’s a surefire way to actually enjoy your life. When you’re excited and inspired… you can’t help but enjoy yourself.

I can help you figure out what you’re passionate about + find sustainable ways to bring more of it into your life . Drop me a line if you’d like support, or book a transformational coaching or shamanic healing session here.


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