The power of rest
What if we reframed rest? Image by Dan Burton for Unsplash.
As we come to the end of a very intense year, we are being asked to slow down.
For many of us, the slow-down has come in the form of injuries and viruses, or of work moving slowly, deals stalling… it may even be some combination of all of these.
However it's shown up for you, this is the slow-down we can’t sidestep; it’s the pause we have no choice but to accept.
The void of uncertainty
We are being invited to sit in the void of uncertainty – that place where we don't what the next days, weeks, or months will bring. So, are you willing to rest in that uncomfortable space where you don’t have all the answers? Are you willing to REST?
As we come into silly season, it can feel impossible to achieve rest.
Rest: the usual refrain
For the busy person, rest feels like something to do next week, or at the end of the month. The refrain goes something like this: If I can just make it to December 22nd without falling apart / collapsing in exhaustion, then I’ll be OK. I just need to make it to December 22nd, let me make it to December 22nd. Until then, I’ll have to survive on a combination of coffee, alcohol, chocolate and adrenaline….
Sound familiar?
Rest: the reframe
What if you reframed rest? What if rest became the place where you downloaded amazing ideas, the place where you recharged your batteries, so that you had 100 times more power when you came out of it? What if rest gave you way more energy for your business, or your kids, or your life?
Thing is, this is exactly what rest does, and is. It’s the flame that lights our fire. Without it, our fire is a tiny spark trying to sputter to life. With it… the fire of our lives can be a huge, flaming bonfire. Unstoppable. Magnetic.
So here’s the reframe: Rest makes me unstoppable. Rest makes me magnetic. Rest helps me magnetise aligned opportunities.
Let this be your new mantra. Let this be the affirmation that supports you when you feel so exhausted, but you think, I’ve got too much to do. I’ll rest tomorrow / the weekend / next week.
The invitation
My invitation, then, is to honour yourself now so that you can be your most unstoppable and magnetic self. What nourishes you? What kind of rest would feel delicious? Focus your attention there.
By the way, as well as being a biological requirement, rest is a vital step on the path to mental and spiritual evolution. Rest is a form of intentional action (yes, action) that prepares us for the next stage – and the next year.
So, my loves, rest in knowing that you learned plenty this year. Rest in knowing that December’s slow-moving mud is exactly what you need, so that you can be magnetic and unstoppable in 2024.
Tamsin xo
3 takeaways from this post:
Sometimes we have no choice but to slow down and rest. Sometimes we have to accept that aspects of our lives are at a standstill, and that pushing through won’t get us anywhere.
Rest is not only a biological requirement, but also vital for our evolution as humans (spiritually, mentally, emotionally, biologically).
Reframe I don’t have time for rest now. I’ll rest later into Rest makes me unstoppable. Rest makes me creative and magnetic. Rest helps me magnetise aligned opportunities.
What would be possible if you felt utterly magnetic and unstoppable? If you’d like to magnetise aligned opportunities in your life in 2024, it would be my privilege to support you. Drop me a line, or book a free, 30-minute life coaching call so you can get clarity on your next steps. Book your call here.