Journaling prompts to help you lean into change

Change is a big deal. It brings up a lot of emotion, including fear.

On one level, you might want to dismiss that fear as ridiculous, but it’s there. And if you don’t address it, it will drive you – thanks to the ancient reptilian brain at the base of your skull.

You can read more about that in Antidotes to resistance and fear, here. That story also contains easy-to-implement, everyday solutions to help you take that primitive brain offline.

The next step is then to get to know yourself better, so you can understand the strategies you’re playing out, why they’re there, and so you can shape a more evolved way forward. Here are some journaling prompts designed to help you do just that.

Journaling prompts

  1. What are the feelings that are coming up right now?

  2. What are the stories you’re telling yourself that are associated with these feelings?

  3. Are these familiar stories? Have you told yourself this before? Where did these stories begin? Are they based on your past experience, or what caregivers / friends / teachers told you?

  4. What do those stories tell you will happen if you do the thing or don’t do the thing?

  5. Is any of that true? Do you know for sure that will happen if you do / don’t do the thing?

  6. What are the worst outcomes of doing / not doing the thing? If the worst outcome happens, then what?

  7. What are the best possible outcomes of doing / not doing the thing?

  8. What’s one thing you learned from this journaling exercise?

  9. What might be one small step you can take from here?

  10. When can you do this? Schedule it in… and do it.


Tamsin xo

P.S. If you’re struggling with change, or you feel so overwhelmed you can’t see the wood for the trees, I’m here to help. Drop me a line if you’d like transformational coaching support, or book a free, 20-minute strategy call so you can get back in the driver’s seat of your life. Book your call here.


When more is a good thing… and when it isn’t


Antidotes to resistance and fear