The Sensitive Soul’s Guide to the Galaxy (and Earth)

A towel-optional roadmap for navigating overwhelm, overthinking and the chaos of everyday life

Have people always told you you were ‘too sensitive’ or ‘too emotional’?

Do you feel like you take on other people’s emotions?

Do you finish the day feeling drained and empty, and you still can't figure out what you need – let alone the meaning of life, the universe, and everything?

If you experience life with a high degree of sensitivity and emotional intensity, you number amongst a particular subset of humans. It doesn’t make you ‘bad’ or ‘wrong’ or ‘less than,’ and it doesn’t make anyone else ‘bad’ or ‘wrong’ or ‘less than’, either. It’s just part of what makes you unique.

Difference is beautiful. It can be a huge gift, for you and for the galaxy. And that’s what you’re here for: to learn that you are gifted, and to learn how to use your gifts for good.

If you’re ready to stop people-pleasing and to start feeling calm and centered, you’ve come to the right place.

Join this free, online class on Thursday 26th September, and start shaping a completely new relationship with the people and the world around you – as well as yourself – so you can see your sensitivity as a gift and start flourishing.

What you get when you join the Sensitive Soul’s Guide to the Galaxy (and Earth)

Here’s what’s in store in this one-hour experience (towel not included)

  1. Clarity on why you are the way you are – and why that’s a good thing

  2. Effective coaching so you can start seeing your superpowers and harnessing them (note: X-ray vision not guaranteed)

  3. Strategies that will help you start shaping your own guidebook for life – one that helps you beat the drain and overwhelm and come back to centre. These strategies will serve you for life

You’ll walk away from this class with valuable insights on what being sensitive means for you. You’ll learn how to work with it, instead of repressing it or beating yourself up for being ‘weak’ (newsflash: being sensitive does NOT make you weak, so drop that BS right now!).

Plus, you’ll have practical tools in hand, so you can feel confident navigating the challenges of life as a sensitive human being.

Where and when

Class will be held on Zoom, from 8.30 to 9.30am SGT.

Here is what that equates to in other time zones (please double check this yourself here)…

10.30-11.30am AEDT
12.30-1.30pm NZT
5.30-6.30pm PDT
8.30-9.30pm EDT

Don’t panic! Sign up now

To join the Sensitive Soul’s Guide to the Galaxy (and Earth), simply RSVP* below, and you’ll receive an email with all the details closer to the time.

And, if you can’t attend live, no problem. Sign up anyway, and you’ll get access to the recording afterwards.

*Please note that by signing up to this class, you’ll automatically be added to my mailing list and community. I’m super-excited to have you there! You’ll get great insights, journaling prompts and more, and you can unsubscribe at any time by clicking on the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the emails you receive.