The slow burn of evolution
A controlled burn stimulates new growth. Image from Unsplash
In the foresting world, there’s something called a ‘controlled burn.’ Here, foresters intentionally burn down parts of the forest in order to stimulate growth, and to encourage new trees to germinate.
It’s a conscious, controlled process of choosing what to burn down in the name of the evolution of the forest as a whole.
Evolution – collective and personal
Evolution is a big theme right now. For me, it’s happening in my newsletter, in my services, in my life. It's also a massive collective theme this November.
When you look around at the wars, the turmoil, the storms, the earthquakes, the shake-up that’s happening all over the world, it feels very much like we, humanity, and this beautiful planet Earth, are at a pivot point.
The pivot point
When we come to these pivot points, it can be very easy to slip into black-and-white thinking. We can fall into the trap of seeing only Option A and Option B: ‘right’ or ‘wrong’, ‘success’ or ‘failure’. In these moments, it can be very tempting to burn it all to the ground.
And of course, some things do need to be burned to the ground. But not everything does.
Option C
Let’s return to the forestry example: in the forest, total incineration is not always necessary. Often, there's another way. This is Option C: the tweak, the refinement. This is evolution, rather than revolution.
Evolution doesn’t have the chaotic energy a revolution has. It has a slow, considered feel to it. It’s process of gradual change – but one that is intelligent, and by design.
By definition, an evolution not drastic or sudden. There's no drama, there's no production. It's a slow, steady, gentle burn.
Evolution is inevitable
We are all process of evolution, although it may not always feel like it. Often, it can feel like we’re going round and round in circles, stagnant and stuck. Evolution is happening, however slowly it may be unfolding. It’s in our nature, as living beings on a constantly evolving planet.
And still, we can help the process along and release the feelings of stagnation and stuckness.
The slow burn
We can do this with the slow, controlled burn. We can do this by consciously deciding what to burn down, and what to keep. You get to decide.
Whatever you decide to burn down, know that there is no failure. What you did before wasn’t ‘wrong’ and you’re not being punished for making the ‘wrong’ choice.
There is only data you can use to evolve your thinking and your actions next time. And maybe all you need in order to grow and evolve is a little water, sunshine, and love.
3 takeaways from this post:
Controlled burning is a forestry term for deliberately setting fires in order to promote growth in the forest.
We can apply this concept to our own lives, consciously choosing what we burn down and what we keep, rather than incinerating all of it.
Try playing with the mantra, “There is no failure. There is only data.”
Are you ready for the next evolution of you? Are you ready to consciously choose how you evolve, and what you bring into the next phase of your life? This is what I was made for, and I’d love nothing more than to help you step through the doorway of transformation. Drop me a line if you’d like support, or book a free, 30-minute call so you can get clarity on your next steps. Book your call here.