Start your week right

There’s that old saying, start as you mean to go on. It’s an adage that has application everywhere from meditation – certain schools advocate sitting in stillness for short period before you start your practice, so that you set the right tone – through to the projects we take on.

I think it applies to our weeks, too. I’ve changed how I start my weeks and it’s shifted how the whole week plays out. Now, I treat Monday as a very inward-facing day. I meditate, I do yoga, I focus on the written aspects of my work, and I avoid social activities wherever possible. I love my quiet Mondays, and now the rest of the week feels longer. As a result, I’m better able to cope with what unfolds.

Everyone’s different, of course; feel free to take my process and tweak it to suit you. Here are my suggestions.

My tips for starting your week right

1.     Get intentional about how you start your week. How do you want to feel today? How do you want to feel for the rest of this week? Set a clear intention; you could even write it down.

2.     There’s no point setting the intention for a chilled start to the week and then saying yes to five meetings. So what do you need to say no to in order to say yes to yourself?

3.     Find activities that support how you want to feel. That could be a meditation or yoga class; that could be going for a walk before work; that could be listening to your favourite tunes as you drive to work; or it could be as simple as savouring your coffee for five deliciously quiet, device-free minutes.

We could apply the same thought process to our months, and even to our years. It’s not about setting resolutions. It’s about getting intentional from the start and operating from that place.

Let’s start the week – AND the month – the way we mean to continue!


Tamsin xx

3 takeaways from this post:

1.    The way we start our weeks (and our days) will affect not only that day but the rest of the week.

2.    Consider what you need to say yes to – and what you need to say no to.

3.    This is a process we can apply to everything in life. When we start anything with strong, powerful intentions, it yields positive results.

Are you looking for someone to help you create an intentional life? Drop me a line if you’d like support, or book a transformational coaching or shamanic healing session here.


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