How to make aligned choices

The subtle art of decision-making

Does your throat tighten up when you have to make a decision that – whether it’s big or small – is going to impact your life somehow? Does your heart start racing, does your mind start going round in circles, maybe to the point that you can’t sleep? Do you feel like a deer in the headlights – watching the truck hurtling towards you, but unable to move?

 It’s not a comfortable feeling.

It’s even worse when you don’t have all the information in front of you, isn’t it? When you have to operate with only half the picture. If only you knew how this would unfold, then making a decision would be a cinch.

Here’s the thing: you can’t predict the future (not unless you’re some kind of oracle).

It’s easy to forget this sometimes.

If you’re like me, you’ve sat there waiting for the lightning bolt to hit. You’ve demanded a ‘sign’ from the Universe to show you that the outcome will be what you want it to be, or you’ve waited for someone else to come along and say, “Do this.”

Let’s get real.

If a sign from the Universe does show up, it probably won’t look like the flashing neon lights you’re after (the ones that say “THIS way!”).

As I see it, you have free will, and it’s your sovereign, Universal right to make your own choices. And do you really want someone or something else telling you what to do, anyway?

The answer has to come from YOU.

You will have to make a decision one way or another – and you will have to make it without all the information, and without knowing what the outcome will be.

The sooner you accept that and stop resisting the act of making the choice, the road ahead will go from bumpy, backwater gravel track to smooth and straight.

You see, you can only make that decision from where you are right now, and with the data you have in front of you.

That doesn’t mean you have to make that call unprepared.

By preparation I mean two things: one, knowing what drives you. When you know what matters to you – what your values are – you can use them as a reference point from which to choose your path forward.

And two, you can equip yourself with tools that will support you through any fallout from making that decision.

When you know where you’re coming from, and when you know you have everything you need to handle any outcome, it feels good. It feels like sweet relief to face those doubts and what-ifs and say: “I see you. Still… I got this.”

You. Got. This.

You already do. You just don’t realise it yet.

Like you, I know what it’s like to feel frozen in indecision, overwhelmed by the fear of having to make a choice, and of choosing the ‘wrong’ thing (what does ‘wrong’ mean, anyway?!). I also know what it’s like to step into that trust, knowing that I can hold myself, whatever comes, and to make decisions from that place, rather than a place of fear. It feels pretty sweet.

Drop me a line if this resonates, and let me know where you’re stuck. As a life coach and facilitator of shamanic energy healing, I’d love to support you in making aligned decisions from a place of courage, ease and flow.


Tamsin xx




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